The luster and shine of your flatware will gradually diminish depending on the frequency of usage; such lost of luster is the result of the micro scratched that can be inflected on the silver through usage, cleaning, and even the simple touching. These micro lines will reduce the proper reflection of light against the surface of the silverware; thus, causing the loss of luster.
There are hundreds of products on the market that can be safely used to remove the effect of the oxidization of silver, which is the blackness of the surface - commonly referred to as "tarnish"; however; non of these products is capable of removing the micro-lines scratches formed on the surface of the silver as the result of normal use. The removal of such scratches require mechanical treatment, which is "polishing".
The difficulty of polishing silver plated flatware is the fact that use of machinery is not possible; simply, because use of machinery and abrasives mediums will cause the removal of the thin silver deposit which is measured in microns. Therefore, manual polishing is required, and that is how we do it in our shop in order to bring back the luster of your silverware.
Our professional polishing service will remove the effect of years of usage, and it will bring back the shine and luster without the need to re-silver that old you had for years, at very minimal costs. We provide you with at-home estimate for cost and time, and with our 100% satisfaction guaranteed.